The History Today Blog
Looking for some new takes on how history is relevant to the world today? Want to know what our history experts are working on in their own research? Or want to check out some advice for good reads, good watches, and good study practices? Read more below!

Great Winter Reads
Looking for some great new history books to read this winter? Check out Circa’s winter reading list!

Analyzing Fictional Sources
Fictional sources can tell us information about the past that more traditional historical sources do not. But how can historians use them responsibly?

The Vinland Map and Historical Counterfeits
What is the Vinland Map and why is it in the news?

What is Historiography?
What does historiography mean and how can students use it in history courses? Our Circa experts break the topic down in our latest post.

AP History Multiple-Choice Questions
Find out how to work through the stimulus-based multiple choice questions on the AP history exams.

Fall Reading List, Part II
Looking for more new history releases? Check out our second reading list for fall, with some great new history books.

The Importance of Skill-Driven Learning
Circa structures its courses around the skills that students will learn, not the content they will memorize. Learn more about our skill-driven approach.

Major Themes of AP World History
AP World History focuses on several main themes. Learn more about these themes and how they can help you study in our latest blog post.

Long and Short Centuries
The 19th century was long, and the 20th century was short. Find out why in the continuation of Circa’s ‘Ask a Historian’ series.

What Makes a Good History Argument?
How do you formulate sophisticated historical arguments for history essays? Circa’s history experts break down how to write a strong argument.

AP History Essays
Learn about all three kinds of essays you will see on the AP history exams.

How to Analyze Written Sources
What are the skills needed to analyze a written source? And how to historians apply these skills to documents from the past?

Where Does the Metric System Come From?
Who invented the metric system and why? Learn about this unit system and its connections to the Enlightenment and the French Revolution.

Digital Map Collections
Maps can be a great way to explore how people and societies from the past understood the world around them. Check out some great map collections here!

How to Analyze a Visual Source
Visual sources can be analyzed in ways similar to written sources. Read Circa’s latest blog post to discover how historians use visual sources to learn about the past.

How Circa Can Help You With Your AP History Test Prep
The Circa Project is here to help students with their AP history prep. Learn more about Circa’s programs.

Starting a History Research Project
Circa’s historians break down the best ways to start researching history for yourself.

5 Ways to Start the AP Year off Right
Looking to get your AP History prep off on the right foot? Circa's experts break down what you should be doing now to be ready in May.

Fall History Reading List
Circa’s fall history book guide is the perfect place to find your autumn history reading list.

A Brief History of Art Theft
Why do art heists capture so much public attention? And how have reactions to art thefts changed?