The History Today Blog
Looking for some new takes on how history is relevant to the world today? Want to know what our history experts are working on in their own research? Or want to check out some advice for good reads, good watches, and good study practices? Read more below!

Practice Analyzing Visual Sources
Follow along as a Circa experts analyzes a visual source.

How to Analyze a Written Source: A Case Study
Looking to see how a historian would break down a text? Follow along as we read through a famous speech by President John Kennedy.

Analyzing Fictional Sources
Fictional sources can tell us information about the past that more traditional historical sources do not. But how can historians use them responsibly?

What is Historiography?
What does historiography mean and how can students use it in history courses? Our Circa experts break the topic down in our latest post.

How do Professional Historians Conduct Research?
Curious about how historians conduct their research? Learn more here!

Archives Spotlight: US National Archives
Featured Archive! Learn about the online collections of the US National Archives.

What Makes a Good History Argument?
How do you formulate sophisticated historical arguments for history essays? Circa’s history experts break down how to write a strong argument.

How to Analyze Written Sources
What are the skills needed to analyze a written source? And how to historians apply these skills to documents from the past?

Digital Map Collections
Maps can be a great way to explore how people and societies from the past understood the world around them. Check out some great map collections here!

How to Analyze a Visual Source
Visual sources can be analyzed in ways similar to written sources. Read Circa’s latest blog post to discover how historians use visual sources to learn about the past.

Starting a History Research Project
Circa’s historians break down the best ways to start researching history for yourself.

Online Archives
Looking to use online archival collections for your history research? Check out our guide, written by Circa’s history experts.

Great Online Museums
Looking to explore history from your own home? Check out some great digitized historical and art collections from around the world.

How to Judge a Secondary Source
How do you know whether a secondary source is of a high enough quality to use in a research paper? Follow the checklist made by Circa’s Ivy League historians!

What is a Primary Source?
What is a primary source and how do historians use these sources to study the past? Find out in Circa’s introduction to primary sources.

An Introduction to Online Historical Research
Looking to start an online history research project? Check out our steps for getting started.

Circa Citation Guide
Curious how to cite sources in an academic paper? Circa’s history experts break down best citation practices.

What is History?
What is the difference between history and the past? Circa’s historians break down what we really mean by ‘history.’