What to Watch to Prep for AP World

Looking for a good watchlist to get introduced to some of the major people and places on the AP World History exam? Look no further than Circa’s list below!

The Aeronauts

How did humans first conquer the skies above? Learn about early ballooning in this film, along with 19th century dreams to explore the planet, make scientific discoveries, and push the boundaries of what was technologically possible.

Doctor Zhivago

This film details the tumultuous history of Russia in the early 20th century, as seen through the eyes of an ordinary citizen caught up in a time of historic change.

The Last Valley

Discover the history of the 30 Years War in this film. The 30 Years War reshaped the politics of central Europe, while also leaving unimaginable destruction in its wake, but for such a dramatic moment, it rarely appears in cinema. Watch the film to get a sense of the effects of the war on everyday people.

The Prestige

This film follows the story of rival magicians, both set on creating the best illusion in Victorian London. Learn about 19th-century city life, including class distinctions, industrialization, and overcrowding.


Want to understand how medicine worked in the 1600s? Follow the story of a doctor who worked for the British king Charles II. Get a sense for medical capabilities at the time, the challenges of city life in early modern Europe, and the arbitrary giving and losing of favor under a monarchy.


This film traces the stories of a group of Jesuit missionaries who travel to Japan in the 17th century. The film touches on many topics that are helpful for the AP exam, including global interactions in the early modern period, the spread of religious ideas, connections between Europe and Japan, and the history of Tokugawa Japan.

The Witch

This film provides a good introduction to what life was like in the New England colonies in the 17th century. It is also a mesmerizing horror film, so you won’t be bored watching it. For the AP exam, learn about the importance of religion, the ferocity of theological disagreements, and the challenge of living in new settlements.

Looking for some great books to get ready for AP World History? Check out our AP World reading list!


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Summer Reads, Part II


What was the Berlin Wall?