The Many Themes of AP Euro
AP European history covers several centuries of material. One way to keep this material organized is by tracing the development of themes. Read below to see some themes that you should be on the lookout for as you study AP Euro.
Why Think of History in Terms of Themes?
There are two compelling reasons to think about European history in terms of themes.
First, AP European history covers centuries of material. It is difficult to remember all of the content without having a framework on which to build this information. By itself, the invention of the printing press might seem like a random innovation. Within the context of political, technological, and even religious history in Europe, it is easier to remember the importance of this moment.
Second, it is important to study AP Euro through themes because the test will often ask you about these themes. Especially, the test is interested in how these themes developed over time. If you study the material like this from the beginning, then you will be prepared for the exam questions.
AP Euro Themes
There are numerous themes that you can list for AP Euro. You might even develop your own list as you progress through the course. Some of the most important include:
Centralization of political power
War and conflict
Power of the people
Technological developments
Let’s break down each of these themes more.
Centralization of political power
One of the themes that stretches from the beginning of the course through the modern period is the consolidation of political power in European countries. In some cases, this meant the creation of the countries: places like Italy and Germany, for instance, only became nation-states in the 19th century, which is several centuries into the course material. At the same time, other established states also moved from a medieval system with diffuse power systems to ones in which centralized governments controlled political power—a system that looks familiar to us today. Keep an eye out for changing systems of government and centralization of political control (through official borders, modern bureaucratic systems, and citizen documentation).
Another crucial theme to AP Euro is the spread of European imperialism and colonialization. Near the end of the course, the end of empires and decolonization play an equally important role. Throughout the time period of the course, various European powers looked to increase their power by expanding their territorial holdings, sometimes on the European continent but more often overseas. By the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, improved shipbuilding and navigation techniques permitted the expansion of European imperialism to North and South America. In the following centuries, the rise of European colonialism affected history across the globe. Especially by the 20th century, the disintegration of European empires equally shaped global history.
War and conflict
Another major thread of European history is the history of war and conflict. Sometimes this conflict took place on the European continent. Fighting between European states had severe consequences for their own citizens and for their neighbors. At the same time, given the large imperial expanses of many European states, fights between European states often spilled beyond the borders of Europe, meaning that political divides in Europe could affect the fates of millions of people around the world.
Power of the people
Across the centuries that AP looks at, another theme is growing appreciation for rights. Starting in the Renaissance and especially in the Enlightenment, European intellectuals began arguing for the rights of all people, not only the rich or elite. Across the centuries, many European states overthrew old political orders and established new forms of government that claimed to vest political power in the masses (whether or not this was achieved is another matter). In addition to new political systems, rights were granted to European citizens—like the right to vote or freedom of movement.
Technological developments
Underlying much of the history of Europe is the history of improvements in technology. Growing technological abilities paved the way for much of European history. Improvements in technology allowed for the expansion of European empires overseas. It permitted trade and the movement of people. It also profoundly changed what labor and work looked like in Europe (and around the world) through industrialization. Keep a close eye on how inventions changed the course of history—who benefited from this technology, who was disadvantaged by it, and the lasting effects it had on politics, society, and the environment.
One of the major changes to everyday life in Europe between the early modern and modern eras is simply where people worked and lived. Whereas Europeans had once overwhelmingly lived in rural areas, developments in politics, economics, and technology encouraged large parts of the population to move toward cities. These new cities created both dynamic ideas and opportunities and also led to terrible working and living conditions for many of their poorest residents.
Especially in early modern European history, religion played a crucial role in politics and society. In the medieval period, the Church dictated many aspects of politics and life in Europe. After the Reformation, not only did religious conflict divide societies and countries, so too did religious debates and ideas once again become important on the continent. Changing ideas about religion, therefore, are another theme in AP Euro, continuing even through the 20th century.
Concluding Thoughts
For a course as large as AP Euro, it is necessary to think about frameworks. These frameworks can help you assess why certain moments of history are important and can also help you assess how various aspects of life in Europe have changed across the centuries.
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