Course Catalog

A complete guide to the Circa curriculum

Skill-Based Courses

Level 1: Analyze

These courses give students a strong foundation in critical thinking and analysis. What information is an author conveying and why? What are potential perspectives and biases? And how can we responsibly use these perspectives from the past?


Textual Analysis

How do we analyze a text?

We will use the case study of national revolutions to discuss primary sources and how to use them.


Visual Analysis

How do we analyze visual sources? What can we say about them?

This class will use the case study of 19th-century immigration to practice analyzing visual sources that do and do not have textual components.


Level 2: Argue

Level 2 courses move from examining one source to thinking about how to tie together multiple sources. Students learn to combine different perspectives, authors, and backgrounds. Skills learned in these classes help students form their own opinions, ideas, and arguments.


Formulating an Argument

What is an academic argument? How do you make an effective argument? Students learn to make clear and compelling arguments while addressing potential counter-arguments.

This course uses the case study of the Industrial Revolution.


Organizing Ideas

How do you organize claims within a longer text? How should you structure your ideas and evidence to best make your point? And where do you address potential disagreements with your argument?

This course uses the case study of 19th-century imperialism.


Level 3: Communicate

These courses teach students to express their ideas clearly and effectively, both in traditional written forms and in dynamic digital formats.


Writing for an Audience

How do you present your ideas in a way that is engaging and meaningful to your reader? How do you get your writing to stand out? How do you find your voice?

This class relies on the case study of 20th-century ideologies.


Digital Humanities

This course focuses on three ways to present digital research projects to a wide audience. We will create maps, digital galleries, and websites.

This course uses the case study of World War II.


Level 4: Explore

These courses give students the opportunity to work on advanced history projects on topics of their own choosing. Courses like these are perfect for practicing skills, for showcasing on the internet, and for sharing with admissions committees.


Archival Research

How do you uncover untapped primary sources? And how do you work within a digital archive? This course introduces students to working with online databases of little-used primary sources.


Independent Project

This course takes students through the steps needed to pursue their own history projects. Instructors and students meet regularly to study the steps involved in research and writing while students simultaneously work on individual projects.


AP History Test Prep Courses

Designed for current AP history students who are preparing for the AP history exams

  • AP History Writing

    Writing components account for 60% of the final AP history exam score. This course prepares students for all of the writing sections on the three AP history exams. This course is writing intensive.

  • 2-Week Bootcamp

    This course is designed for students who do not feel confident about their AP prep. Using Circa’s proven methods for skill and content education, students work through the course material while also practicing writing skills.

  • Finishing Touches

    This course is designed for students who feel like they have had proper academic preparation before the exam but are looking for a confidence boost right before the test. This course reviews high-level content and discusses ways to target top points on the free response questions.

  • The Final Century

    This course is designed for students whose classes did not reach the end of the AP course content. Come discover what happens in the 20th century as we finish the material covered in the course.

Individualized Study

Individualized Skill-Building

Students focus intensively on their target areas through one-on-one sessions with their Circa instructors.


Individualized Research

Students work individually with a Circa expert to complete a historical project and share it with a wider audience.


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